Vegetable Oil Processes
Vegetable Oil Processes 1-My Raw Material Storage Systems It is extremely important to store raw materials under suitable conditions in terms of final product quality, from post-harvest to processing. Especially due to the high oil content in the oil seeds, moisture, foreign matter, dust, etc. that may cause enzymatic browning and oxidation in the oil […]
Investment Consultancy
FEASIBILITY AND INVESTMENT CONSULTANCY Investment is the permanent use of a certain resource or value to generate income. In terms of businesses, investment is the transformation of cash values into facility goods such as buildings and machines for production purposes. As ÖZMODERN MAKİNE, we provide project-based feasibility and investment consultancy services in line with […]
Sunflower Shell Separation Plant
SUNFLOWER SHELL SEPARATION PLANT Another advantage of shelling systems is to direct production according to current commodity prices and to expand the customer portfolio by increasing product diversity. • The crude oil that comes out of a crude oil facility that works by separating the shell is of high quality. • The color pigments, waxy […]
Turn-key Feed Factories
TURN-KEY FEED FACTORIES Feed Factories are factories where the production of scientific animal feed is carried out. As ÖZMODERN MAKİNE, we provide engineering and consultancy services from investment consultancy to turnkey facilities together with partner feed factory manufacturers. We build low, medium and high capacity feed facilities with our professional team. Feed facilities consist of […]
EXTRACTION It is the unit where the oily pulp coming out of the press is separated from its oil in the raw oil unit. The oil in the pulp is washed with a solvent (Hexane – C6H14) to form a micelle. Then the solvent oil is separated and the remaining oil in the pulp is […]
Crude Oil Press Unit
RAW OIL PRESS UNIT For obtaining crude oil and pulp by squeezing the oil seeds brought to suitable conditions in the cooking pan in the spirals of the press. According to the input conditions of the next extraction unit, the desired amount of oil is left in the pulp. The residual oil in the oil […]
Various Productions
VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS We manufacture various equipment needed for oil factories, feed factories and various sectors (Chemistry, paint, medicine, treatment, storage, etc.). Suitable for all capacities; Drum sieves Horizontal and vertical augers Chain conveyors Elevators Filters Industrial piping and plumbing Silos and tanks Mixers Mixing process tanks (agitator) Heat exchangers Conditioners Steel construction structures
REFINERY Impurities (impurities) such as phosphatides, free fatty acids (FFA) and anti-oxidants etc. must be removed before industrial use and consumption of edible oils. Refinery process is the unit where these impurities are removed. Edible oils and fats must be fully refined to improve their color, taste, smell and long-term use. Industrial (industrial) use oils […]